Friday, September 12, 2008

After the Storm

It is dawn and all is still

The smell of settled dust and washed leaves fills the air

The sky, once dark and threatening turns blue The birds sing and chickens cluck over upturned food

When the storm came, all was lost

Nothing seemed right

No movement was heard in the night except the beating of rain on every available surface

like drums beating the war cry

All night long the rain came down, the once welcomed trickle turned into a nasty storm

What was once beautiful turned into a nightmare

 It was a great storm, a turbulent time that one thought would never end 

Everything changed the day you died

 Eyes lost their sparkle

Smiles disappeared 

Laughter stopped 

Happiness just faded into a distance.

The dull ache stayed permanently just below the womb you know the place, that bottomless pit

Now the storm is over

The calm that followed was a shock

The distruction clearly visible 

The effects of the storm showed in various ways. 

Things that were up-rooted were things that were washed away. 

Others were destroyed 

Some so far gone that there was no repair. 

Others like the seeds just floated along, settled and started to flourish. 

The weak was removed and the strong became stronger. 

The rays of light touched the heart, melting away all fear 

The terror that once held one captive disappeared 

 What was the purpose of the storm? 

We'll never know, but out of it came a certain understanding, 

A certain peace, 

A certain calm, 

A certain strength and a determination to go on and on and on. 

(c) Mariska Araba Taylor Darko 2003




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"Sankofa" Go back for it!!